Who we are
The Global Alliance for Urban Crises brings together close to 100 members who have committed to the guiding the principles outlined in the Urban Crises Charter, and a vision of inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and towns. The members are working together to pilot innovative initiatives, share lessons learned and best practices, promote joint advocacy, assessments and profiling and roster systems on the local, national, and international scale, among other ‘game-changing’ collaborative initiatives. Urban areas may be increasingly at risk, but they also offer opportunities to work differently and ensure crisis response provides immediate humanitarian relief while supporting recovery and strengthening resilience. ​
Governance Structure
The Steering Group is the main decision-making body of the Alliance, featuring a balanced group of representatives from all our constituencies – local governments, the United Nations System/International Non-Governmental Organizations/Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies, academia and knowledge brokers, networks of urban professionals, grassroot organizations and member states.
The Alliance Secretariat supports the Steering Group and the Working Groups, with the role of carrying out advocacy, outreach, communications and coordination.
Through consultations with members of all Alliance constituencies in different regions, the Alliance establishes temporary Working Groups on key areas on a needs-basis.